Saturday, April 12, 2008

Murakami at the Brooklyn Museum

sa-weet! My mom was in town today so Jared and I hung out with her at the Botanical gardens (free before noon!) where I correctly predicted that the food court would consist of eight dollar fucking hot dogs. Well, no, they didn't fuck dollars but you know. Still, Botanical gardens are totally sweet this time of year and someone was having a wedding there which made me loudly comment how much cooler MY botanical garden wedding was going to be.
Well, it will.

Then, next door at the Brooklyn Museum (now featuring: most pointless outdoor catwalk ever) we saw the Takashi Murakami except. That's not the same guy who wrote "Wind-Up Bird Chronicles" which makes me feel better because for a little while I was worried that Murakami guy did all the Japanese media I was exposed to. Like, for me Japan is just this one dude doing sculptures of naked chicks turning into fighter jets while writing a magical realism novel.
Fortunately, it turns out I am a fan of TWO people from japan. Besides the people who make hentai, natch.
I sneaked some pictures of the exhibit so you can see the awesomeness of it. Also, forgive how weird my boobs look in the picture. My bra doesn't provide any support.
Mom and I in front of entrance sculpture:

Mom and me in front of sculpture part deux:


A portion of the acid trip:

1 comment:

Gerard Jones said...

Hi Drew. Thanks for the travelogue and pix of the Brooklyn Museum. Last time I was there was for lurid pulp-magazine covers from the '20s and '30s. Now that I think about it, that was the only time I've ever been in Brooklyn, after thousands of trips to Manhattan. Anyway, it's a nifty museum and I'm glad you reminded me of it. You caught the Murakami stuff pretty well. Your boobs look fine.

Oh, and thanks for telling me where that dinosaur building is.