Friday, July 13, 2007

Choice titles in the British Medical Journal (

Watch out for the sharks
You think too much.
A lesson in a dish of beans
Commentary: Liquid automation refreshes Dr Papanicolaou
Should families own genetic information? No.
Should families own genetic information? Yes.
Hookah smoking.
Treatment for stress incontinence passes initial trial.
Curry in a Hurry
Children with cerebral palsy as happy as others
Cerebral palsy falls in premature babies
Contracts, pensions, and hamsters
Most US surgeons in training get needlestick injuries, few report them
A time honoured way of oversimplifying complex problems
Let's get tough on politicians
Let's ask them to curb choice
What are the causes?
Driving and dementia
Collision, collusion, and confusion
Raise price of alcohol in Scotland to combat disease, BMA says
Hahaha, this is AWESOME. Thanks Farah!

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